The Yog Mechanic

R o l L R e l e a s e
Slow down, Release, Detox, Rejuvenate
Come & join Leslii Stevens RYT500, The Yogi Mechanic for a Myofascial release yoga infused monthly "Tune-Up" using massage balls, foam roller, yoga blocks, and the yogi mechanic pipe to get into sweet spots & learn techniques to get deep into our tissues.
The result? More space for deeper breathing, deeper movement, and a lighter feeling to navigate through our everyday lives.
Clear out cobwebs between muscles:
Allow your muscles to slide & glide more efficiently
Increase hydration
Eliminate body toxins
Free up muscles to function independently - contracting & releasing to their fullest potential
Myofascial release also increases range of motion, reduces pain & recovery time

Leslii Stevens RYT500
Just like a real car, needs route Tune-Ups.
The same goes for the human body. It needs "Tune-Up's" as well to keep everything moving and working at tip-top performance.
This once a month class is designed to start to release tension and stress on an even deeper level within the body by using yoga props, or tools whatever you wish to call them, I choose "Tools of Transformation." We will work on different parts of the body using these tools of transformation while focusing on balancing out the entire body. As we start to shift and change patterns inside the body we start creating space and allowing this to happen to the body helps get rid of toxins and bring the body closer to alignment
The Yogi Mechanic Tool Kits will be made available through our store this coming May!
So wicked excited to share this once-a-month full body "Tune-Up" myofascial release human experience yoga class.
More information on the way stay tuned!
stay tuned!